2009 Events
For Haiku Northwest, 2009 will be another busy year. Listed here are all our monthly meetings, a few special events, plus significant regional or national events. Monthly meetings start at 7:00 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month (for 2009), except as indicated. For meetings held at the Bellevue Regional Library, you can get directions by clicking our Monthly Meetings and Directions link. All dates and details are subject to change, and will be confirmed via the Haiku Northwest mailing list (through which you will be provided addresses for any meetings in private homes). To join our mailing list or to suggest haiku-related events to add to the following schedule, please contact Michael Dylan Welch at WelchM@aol.com. We'll update this content as soon as we confirm the details.
Please also check the schedule for the Seattle Japanese Garden. Several of the garden's events typically include a poetry component, such as Tanabata (July 5, 2009) and the Moonviewing festival (August 1, 2009). On May 4, 2009, the garden had the grand opening for its lovely new gatehouse entry village.
Haiku Northwest featured readers in 2008:
January 10, 2008: Connie Hutchison (our very first featured reader)
February 7: Ruth Yarrow
March 6: Mike Dillon
April 3: Mary Fran Meer
May 1: Helen Russell
June 5: no featured reader (we had a memorial reading of Robert Major's poems instead)
July 3: no featured reader
August 7: Terran Campbell
August 28 (held early, for the September meeting): Curtis Manley
October 2: William Scott Galasso
November 6: Dejah Leger
December 4: Angela Terry