January 2019 Meeting

Post date: Jan 17, 2019 7:37:47 PM

Haiku Northwest held its first meeting of 2019 at the Bellevue Library on January 10 (we are now meeting on the second Thursday of the month). Eleven people attended: Joshua Beach, David Berger, Gary Evans, Ida Freilinger, Connie Hutchison, Curtis Manley, Tanya McDonald (who led the meeting as our new president), Bob Redmond, Michelle Schaefer, Michael Dylan Welch, and first-time attendee Garry Wilson. Connie spoke briefly about the Haiku Northwest archive that will be established at the University of Washington in Seattle. After other announcements, Bob Redmond gave a very moving PowerPoint presentation of haiku he wrote in response to his battle with cancer. We concluded with our usual rounds of haiku sharing and commentary.