Meeting Summary for February 27, 2014

Post date: Mar 19, 2014 3:30:2 AM

Our February meeting, at the Kirkland Library, was opened by our new president, Angela Terry. Also attending were Jeannie Boag, William Scott Galasso, Dianne Garcia, Connie Hutchison, Tanya MacDonald, Marilyn Sandall, Gwenn Stamm, Marc Williams, and Ruth Yarrow. Everyone introduced themselves and read one haiku. We heard many announcements about upcoming haiku-related events. Angie led a writing exercise on the theme of winter rain. We wrote for five to ten minutes using phrases that reminded us of the theme without using those words. Participants read their phrases and Ruth Yarrow recorded them on the whiteboard. Some examples were sandbags by the roadside, cold squall slapping my cheek, pulling up my jacket’s hood, squishy sounds when I walk, fogged-up windows, bus full of steaming wool, and runnels on the window pane. We then chose a phrase as the basis for a haiku, wrote for an additional seven minutes, and then shared the results. After this refreshing exchange, we continued with a round of reading and critique, and ended with another round of reading. Our next meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. on March 27, 2014 at the Bellevue Library.