Haiku Society of America National Meeting, June 2013

Hosted by Haiku Northwest

Friday, June 21 through Sunday, June 23, 2013

Wing Luke Museum, Seattle, Washington (and other locations)

You’re invited to a FREE weekend of haiku readings, workshops, and presentations sponsored by the Haiku Society of America, June 21 through 23, 2013, in Seattle. Everyone is welcome—and feel free to bring some of your own haiku to share (if you bring copies on printed sheets, such as in a tri-fold brochure, you can give or trade them with others).

See event photos.

Please RSVP

To help us make Saturday lunch and dinner reservations, please let us know if you plan to attend by emailing Michael Dylan Welch at WelchM@aol.com (you are still welcome to join us even if you haven’t sent an RSVP, however).


Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific Experience

719 South King Street, Seattle / 206-623-5124 / website

Meet in the Tateuchi Theater (shown at right)


Presenters, with talks, readings, or workshops, include David Lanoue (HSA president), David Patneaude (novelist), Jeff Robbins (Bashō researcher, visiting from Japan), and Michael Dylan Welch (HSA vice president). Haiku Northwest will also launch its 25th anniversary anthology, No Longer Strangers, with a reading of haiku from the book. We will also have table space for the display of books, haiku sheets for trading, as well as haiga and other materials. The Puget Sound Sumi Artists will also display recent haiga.

Schedule for Friday, June 21, 2013

4:00 p.m. Setup at Wing Luke Museum

(haiga display, tables, books, etc.; feel free to come and help)

5:00 Meet at Wing Luke Museum and then walk to a nearby restaurant

for a no-host dinner; everyone welcome

Schedule for Saturday, June 22, 2013

On display: Haiga by Puget Sound Sumi Artists

10:00 a.m. Welcome, round of reading, haiga exhibit introduction

10:25 HSA business meeting and announcements

10:45 Reading of Seward Park Torii Haiku Contest winners

(if present, winners can read their own haiku)

11:00 David Lanoue: “Issa at 250: What He Can Still Teach Us”

11:30 David Lanoue: “Write Like Issa” workshop

12:00 noon No-host lunch at Green Leaf Vietnamese restaurant, 418 8th Avenue South

(across the street; meet in upstairs private room)

1:30 p.m. Announcements, round of reading

1:45 Jeff Robbins: “A Deeply Personal Bashō”

2:15 Break

2:30 David Patneaude: “Haiku Poems—Small Scenes in a Larger Life”

(on the role of haiku in his novel Thin Wood Walls)

3:00 Tour Wing Luke Asian Museum (optional)

4:15 Jeff Robbins: “Bashō: Extant vs. Translated”

(on the surprising amount of work that is not widely translated) and discussion

5:00 Break

5:15 Michael Dylan Welch: “Haiku Joy: Celebrating Haiku Northwest Founder Francine Porad”

5:45 Haiku Northwest: “No Longer Strangers”—25th Anniversary Anthology Reading

6:15 Final announcements, round of reading

6:30 No-host dinner at Sun Ya Chinese restaurant, 605 7th Avenue South

(two blocks away; meet in private room at the back; fixed price of $15 per person, plus drinks)

Schedule for Sunday, June 23, 2013

10:00 a.m. Meet at Seattle Japanese Garden for informal haiku walk ($6.00 admission)

Parking and Transportation

Recommended parking (for price and convenience):

IPM Parking at 6th and King is $12 for 6 to 10 hours on a Saturday (about a three-minute walk from Wing Luke; other lots are more expensive).

Avoid metered street parking unless you’ll be staying for only two or four hours (depending on the meter—most have a two-hour limit). Free street parking is available under the freeway and further east but for only two hours (four hours if you go further east).

To plan your trip by bus, please visit Metro Transit or Sound Transit (also includes the Sounder train). A number of buses come to the International District, near King Street Station.

Note: For anyone coming from British Columbia or Oregon, consider taking Amtrak, since King Street Station is just a few blocks from the Wing Luke museum (and the suggested accommodations). This beautiful train station has been completely refurbished and is worth a visit.


The following recommendations are listed in order from most to least expensive.

Pioneer Square Hotel (Best Western)

77 Yesler Way, Seattle


(with continental breakfast; historic hotel about a ten-minute walk from Wing Luke)

Panama Hotel

605½ South Main Street, Seattle


(cheaper but historic, with a strong Japanese connection—read the novel Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet; hall bathrooms; about a three-minute walk from Wing Luke)

American Hotel/Hostel

520 South King Street, Seattle


(cheapest option; about a two-minute walk from Wing Luke)

We look forward to having you join us!