Ann Spiers
Vashon Island, Washington
Ann Spiers writes poetry, and most recently enjoys the challenge of haiku and senryu. Haiku Northwest member Helen Russell invited her to join Vashon Island’s haiku gathering, Mondays at Three, more than a decade ago. She stewards Vashon Village Green’s Poetry Pole, and her haiku occasionally appears on Vashon’s roadside Hiway Haiku. She received her MA in literature and creative writing from the University of Washington, reads and publishes poetry widely, and leads seminars in poetry with an emphasis on chapbook development at Seattle’s Hugo House. Her chapbooks include Volcano Blue and Tide Turn (May Day Press), Long Climb into Grace (FootHills Publishing’s Poets on Peace Series), and The Herodotus Poems (Brooding Heron Press).
summer’s last hour:
a yellow-jacket settles
in my garden glove
Road to Ephesus:
goat grandstands atop
a broken column
in the snow, raccoons
I, too, do the rounds
a thousand cuts
the old cherry ready for viewing
in her fingers
bird bones again learn flight