Shirley W. Beebe
Port Ludlow, Washington
A Washington State native, I earned my BA in English at the University of Washington, and published a few poems in obscure journals before doing enough graduate work at George Washington University to make myself employable. Had various jobs as an editor sandwiching in work time between stints overseas that my husband’s work required. He and I now live in Port Ludlow where we enjoy being back home in retirement. I spend time researching and writing family history, and am new to haiku. I only recently discovered the Port Townsend haiku group, and enjoy the challenge.
morning sun glistens
on frosted tree trunks—
tea warms my hands
yellow crunchers clang
the forest backs away
a new house rises
winter pansies
on the porch
light the world
in winter quiet
the Green Man sleeps
while we wait
only the yellow sun
rivals the light
of the first dandelion