Seabeck Haiku Getaway 2014 Registration Form
The 2014 Seabeck haiku retreat will again be for three full days (from Thursday night, October 16, to Sunday, October 19). See the 2014 retreat schedule. We’ve tried to keep the fee as bare-bones as possible (no raise in rates from 2013 or 2012). It’s just $215 for three nights of accommodations, nine meals, and all retreat activities if you register by September 19, 2014 (or $249 after that postmark date). If you can’t come until Friday night, the rate is $175 (or $209 after September 19). For day visitors (pick your day or days, including lunch and dinner each day, but not breakfast), the fee is $55 per day (or $69 after September 19).
Accommodations are shared. If you require a private room, fees are a minimum additional $33 per night if you stay for the entire conference (slightly higher per night if you stay for fewer nights). Please contact us about reduced rates for children (rates depend on age; free age two and under). We also have a spouse/partner rate (if your significant other would like to attend, but does not participate in the haiku activities). We’ll be staying in Salal, Spruce, Cedars, and Hemlock, with the Colman Center as our primary meeting room. In all, we trust that you will find our 2014 retreat to be even better than our previous ones, so please do sign up!
Registrations accepted from August 1, 2014 to October 10, 2014 (please do NOT register before August 1). Early registration discount ends September 19, postmark date (but please also email Angela Terry at to say your registration is coming, if you register after September 19). Registration MAY be possible after October 10, especially for day visitors—please inquire.
Priority booking: We've booked more rooms this year, so we don't expect to fill up, but in case we do, priority will be given to a) people attending the entire retreat, b) the date we receive your payment, and c) if necessary, people willing to share a room. Earlier registrations will be placed in the Salal and Spruce buildings (both with private bathrooms), with overflow or later registrations placed in Cedars and Hemlock (shared bathrooms).
Cancellation policy: Reservations cancelled by September 19, 2014 are entitled to a full refund. After this date, full or partial refunds will be given at the registrar's discretion. You must email or phone us by September 19 to cancel your reservation.
To register, print out this page, fill it in, and then send it with your payment, payable to “Haiku Northwest,” to:
Angela Terry
18036 49th Place NE
Lake Forest Park, WA 98155-4314 USA
Name: _____________________________________________________
Street: _____________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: _____________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________
Meal preference: __ Nonvegetarian __ Vegetarian
Other special diet: __ Vegan __ No dairy __ Gluten-free __ No soy
Roommate preference (if any): ________________________________________
Include my email address in the retreat attendee list: __ Yes __ No
Choose one of the following four options:
__ 1. Full Retreat (includes three nights and nine meals, Thursday to Sunday):
Your rate: __ $215 postmarked by Sept. 19 __ $249 after Sept. 19
Private room: __ $99 additional ($33 each night if you do not want to share a room)
Partner rate: __ $199 postmarked by Sept. 19 __ $233 after Sept. 19
(if partner is not participating in retreat activities but needs just accommodations and meals)
__ 2. Weekend Only (includes two nights and six meals, starting with lunch, Friday to Sunday):
Your rate: __ $175 postmarked by Sept. 19 __ $209 after Sept. 19
Private room: __ $76 additional ($38 each night if you do not want to share a room)
Partner rate: __ $159 postmarked by Sept. 19 __ $193 after Sept. 19
(if partner is not participating in retreat activities but needs just accommodations and meals)
__ 3. One Night (includes one night and three meals, starting with lunch):
Please specify night: __ Thursday __ Friday __ Saturday
Your rate: __ $135 postmarked by Sept. 19 __ $169 after Sept. 19
Private room: __ $45 additional (if you do not want to share a room)
Partner rate: __ $119 postmarked by Sept. 19 __ $153 after Sept. 19
(if partner is not participating in retreat activities but needs just accommodations and meals)
__ 4. Day Visitor (includes lunch and dinner; breakfast is not included; no accommodations):
Please specify day or days: __ Thursday __ Friday __ Saturday __ Sunday
Your rate, per day: __ $55 postmarked by Sept. 19 __ $69 after Sept. 19
Subtotal (from above choices): $___________
Here’s my donation to offset expenses (thanks!): $___________
TOTAL ENCLOSED: $___________
Please make checks payable to “Haiku Northwest” and mail your registration to the address above—thanks!
Payments from Canada: We can deposit Canadian cheques. Please check the current exchange rate and determine how much money in Canadian dollars you have to pay to equal the U.S. amount due. Rates may fluctuate between the time you write your cheque and when we deposit it, but we will sort out any overpayment or underpayment at the retreat itself—please remind us, if necessary.