Abigail Friedman
Abigail Friedman is an award-winning haiku poet who began composing haiku in Japanese, while living in Japan as a diplomat. She has written three haiku-related books, including The Haiku Apprentice: Memoirs of Writing Poetry in Japan (Stone Bridge Press, 2006) and, as translator, I Wait for the Moon: 100 Haiku of Momoko Kuroda (Stone Bridge Press, 2014), plus a collection of her own haiku, Street Chatter Fading (Larkspur Press, 2015). Her haiku, haibun, and writings on haiku have been featured in poetry publications around the world. She founded the first bilingual French/English haiku group in Quebec City, and, more recently, the SuperNoVa haiku group of Northern Virginia, where she now resides. In addition to haiku, she likes swimming, mathematics, and sleeping late.