Seabeck Haiku Getaway 2020 Registration
Our 2020 Seabeck Haiku Getaway will be a FREE online event via Zoom this year, with two days of readings, workshops, and presentations, to be held October 30 at 5:30 p.m. Pacific time and October 31 and November 1, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Pacific time each day. The event is free, but registration is required, and opens on September 1, 2020.
NOTE: Attendance is no longer limited to 100. We are happy to announce that we have enlarged our meeting size to admit everyone who registers, including everyone who was on our waiting list. Zoom links will be emailed to registered attendees soon.
We’re delighted that you’re registering for the 2020 Seabeck Haiku Getaway, to be held on October 30 and 31 and November 1, 2020, via Zoom. Registration is free, but we do require registration, and please do so by October 29, 2020. After this date, please still register, but also email Michael Dylan Welch at to say you've done so. Although Zoom makes it easy to drop in and out of sessions, we encourage you, in the spirit of community (which is a big part of the Seabeck tradition) to participate as much as possible on both days. Visit Seabeck Haiku Getaway for more information about the event’s history and traditions, or check out the schedule, attendee list, and 2020 kukai winners.
To register, please fill out the online registration form by October 29, 2020 (after this date, we cannot guarantee that we'll be able to email you the Zoom links for the weekend). If you have trouble using the form, or need to cancel your reservation, please email our registrar, Tanya McDonald, at And although registration is FREE, we invite you to make a donation via PayPal, but please do not feel that this is required. Please note that the only registration confirmation you will receive is the confirmation screen shown after you register using the preceding registration link (confirmation email will not be sent).
After you register, don’t forget the optional homework assignments below. We will send Zoom links to registered attendees by October 30, 2020. We encourage you to use Zoom with a personal computer rather than a phone or tablet, for a better video experience when viewing PowerPoint presentations, haiga, and seeing everyone’s smiling faces.
Homework Assignments
The Seabeck Haiku Getaway is a participatory weekend, such as sharing your haiku at our open readings and contributing to discussions (as best as we’ll be able to manage via Zoom). You also have four optional assignments, two to be completed before Seabeck, the third and fourth during the weekend:
In keeping with a Seabeck tradition, please consider preparing a haiku handout (trifold or other keepsake to share with others, featuring a selection of your own haiku/senryu/tanka/haibun). To see examples of trifolds, please visit here and here (you could create something else, though, if you prefer). It could be as simple as a set of recent or favorite haiku you’ve written on a single page, or something more inventive. Please email a PDF or Word file of your handout to Michael Dylan Welch at by October 25 (earlier preferred, and please try to keep the file sizes small, under 0.5 MB if possible). Please title your file with the name or title of your handout, then a hyphen, and then your name (for example, “Knight Moves - Michael Dylan Welch”). We will compile these handouts and email them to every registered attendee by at least October 30, the night before our getaway starts.
If you’d like to offer a haiku or senryu for our anonymous workshop, please email it to Tanya McDonald at between October 13 (no sooner than this, please) and October 25 (earlier preferred). After this date, it will not be possible to have your poem considered. We will not be able to get to everyone’s poems, but will do our best to get through as many as we can in a 50-minute session (we will limit discussion to a maximum time per poem).
For our October 31 “Halloween Hats” celebration, please feel free to get your favorite funky hat ready to wear for a fun social activity.
It’s a Seabeck tradition to have a kukai (voting on submitted poems, with all poems anonymous). If you’d like to participate in our 2020 kukai (for registered 2020 participants ONLY), you may submit up to two poems (to a link that will be sent to you) by 9:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 1 (Pacific time). We will send a everyone a link for where to submit your poems (to come later). Please do not submit a poem you have shared during the weekend (this makes the poem no longer anonymous). We encourage Seabeck participants to submit poems that relate to autumn, the weekend theme of vision, or otherwise inspired by the Seabeck weekend, or written during the weekend. Judging, however, does not need to take these themes into account. For judging, you will be emailed a set of all the poems and the number of poems you need to select as your favorites (you may also include brief comments). Voting will be due by 9:00 p.m. on Friday, November 6 (Pacific time). We encourage as many 2020 Seabeck attendees as possible to participate in this opportunity.